Christmas Gift to Our Orphanage

Grace Healing  gifted $1,000 to our Orphanage for the children to have new clothes at Christmas time.

Message from Ina Marie:

It is at this time of the year we look forward to seeing the children grow and shine with such happy faces to receive new clothes from their loving God! The children truly believe the clothes and everything they receive come from YahVeh! How precious is that! The pure love of a child is priceless and beautiful to witness!

We have supported this Orphanage for over 30 years and not a day goes by we thank God for His continued hand of support through us and others for these beautiful children! So here we are once again at Christmas time to help the children with new clothes! The following link shows Larry telling the story and true miracle we experienced a couple of years ago praying for the children at the orphanage:

We would like to give you the opportunity to match our $1000 dollars. Or add to our $1,000? Whatever you are led to do would be such a blessing and received more than any words could express.

Message from Larry:

As Ina Marie has stated, it is a joy to know that we can help these beautiful children once again. We are presently blessed to extend Love and support to more than 50 children. This year’s gift will provide them with new uniform clothes for schooling.

Without the uniforms, they are persecuted in the class and then not permitted in the school rooms of the public schooling system. We continue to pray for reforms in their school system and governmental bodies, but for now, we can support them with the new uniforms.

These beautiful children have come to see this time of year as a time when God’s glory, provision, and Love through Yah Shua shines and brings them great blessing. We are honored to be used as instruments of His design for this worthy and Loving cause.

We ask you to pray and seek God to know if he is leading you in some way to help. We know there is much that is going on in our present economy and this is why we ask that people PRAY first so that they do not bring harm to their situation and so that they would know if they are in right standing before God to extend help and Love through financial provision.

We are grateful for your support in Prayer and welcome any help you are led to provide as this season unfolds.

Larry & Ina