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“Connect with Us and Transform: Book Your Prayer Session Today”

Both Ina Marie and Larry live in a continual state of “living prayer” with a constant and sacred connection to Yah Shua. If you are experiencing any physical, emotional, or spiritual discord, please submit your prayer request below. Larry and Ina Marie will engage in prayer regarding your needs, record the blessed result of the prayer in the Book of Blessings and respond with all that God brings forth in prayer. You will be added anonymously to the prayer list for that day. Oftentimes, they may pray on your behalf immediately upon receiving your request. If you remain open to God in trust and purity, you will be aware of a shift into the blessed peaceful state as the prayers are engaged.

The Book of blessings is a Book formed by Grace Healing and its intercessors (prayer supporters). When a prayer request is submitted, we then engage in prayer to releasing the need or specifics of the request. We are then given the words of Blessings by Yah Veh to move the need or supplication into a blessed state. This new prayer is the one we record in the Book of Blessings: The prayer is spoken “IT IS DONE” upon the Earth. Now all is in the blessed state. We stand in agreement with the words of blessing as we release any words of suffering or words outside of Yah Veh’s blessing.

We provide regular weekly offerings that discuss the Grace of God as it manifests in our daily life and help people rediscover God’s gifts in the midst of our busy schedules. Larry and Ina Marie have been blessed to serve thousands of people from every walk of life. They serve as vessels of Divine Grace and have witnessed many Healings. They offer prayers of Healing, teach Divine Meditations, and guide people daily through prayer and discernment. Please contact them and they would be honored to be in prayer with you.

“We Are Here For You!”